the rabiosexuals were just making fun of autistic rabies pride but i'm a real freak. which means that posting here is gonna get me weird looks/comments. so i guess i can link this to anyone who makes those comments. it will probably fall on deaf ears or i'll get the chauffeur treatment or even an "i'm not reading allat" comment but whatever
i like rabies in the lens that i do for a few reasons. firstly is the despair and helplessness of the situation for everyone involved is interesting. second i think it's cool that those symptoms just. do all of that. wow that's scary! and also kinda hot. lyssa is so unique. third and lastly (for now) it might have to do with the fact that i used to frequent have nightmares about rabies and that fixation might have later shifted to the lens i sometimes view it in now.
but ya that's about it i think. if i have more to say for anything i guess i can update it